The Wetlands Institute is located on Stone Harbor Blvd.
leading to the island on which Stone Harbor is located.
I stopped in with my mother in law and her friend Helen,
both of whom are quilters.
The idea was to see the quilt that the
area quilters made and donated to the Institute for fundraising.

These industrious ladies make a new quilt each year
which is auctioned off in September at the Institute's
annual Wings 'N Water Festival.

The Institute is appropriately located along the wetlands
where the wildlife there can be viewed and studied.
Here is an Osprey nest with both parents and one fledgling present.
The institute's mission is to educate the public about
the wetlands and coastal ecosystems through
lectures, classes and hands on experiences.
They also offer internships for up and coming scientists as well.
The main area of study here is
the Diamondback Terrapin.

These turtles face a host of threats
created by our modern ways.

You can visit the Institute too -
it is hopping with activity on a summer day.
The Wetlands Institute
1075 Stone Harbor Blvd.
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247-1424
Phone:(609) 368-1211 Fax: (609) 368-3871
Summer Hours: May 15th through October 15th
Monday through Saturday: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from mid-June to Labor Day: Special evening hours until 8 pm
Sunday: 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Labor Day
Winter Hours: October 16th through May 14th
Tuesday through Saturday: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed Sunday and Monday
Special Hours Notice: It is sometimes necessary to close a building or facility to the public for part or all of a day due to maintenance repairs or special events. Please call ahead to verify hours.
Admission: $8.00 ages 12 and up; $6.00 ages 2-11
Members admitted FREE.
created by our modern ways.

You can visit the Institute too -
it is hopping with activity on a summer day.
The Wetlands Institute
1075 Stone Harbor Blvd.
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247-1424
Phone:(609) 368-1211 Fax: (609) 368-3871
Summer Hours: May 15th through October 15th
Monday through Saturday: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from mid-June to Labor Day: Special evening hours until 8 pm
Sunday: 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Labor Day
Winter Hours: October 16th through May 14th
Tuesday through Saturday: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed Sunday and Monday
Special Hours Notice: It is sometimes necessary to close a building or facility to the public for part or all of a day due to maintenance repairs or special events. Please call ahead to verify hours.
Admission: $8.00 ages 12 and up; $6.00 ages 2-11
Members admitted FREE.
I'm glad to see that there is such a fun and educational place to go spend a day without it costing an arm and a leg in admission for a family.
What a great post Rebecca. I have been there (we vacation in Strathmere.) I must remember to bring my grandchildren they would love it.
Your photo's as always are just beautiful.
Our neice just opened a store in Stone Harbor.."Skirt" She has one on Landsdown Avenue also.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer:)
This is a wonderful post! I love going there but for some reason, I haven't been there since the kids were little. Love the shot of the ospreys! Think I will go get my hands on a raffle ticket...
Hi Rebecca,
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Stone Harbor to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!
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