Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Reading Railroad

I spent a warm March day 
under beautiful blue skies
exploring a disappearing slice of Philadelphia. 

Some remains of early industrial Philadelphia, 
the old Reading Railroad line, 
is vanishing as you read.
The rails are being scrapped.

I love this place because: 
Here, in the middle of urban Philadelphia, 
you can find a slice of nature; 
a bit of quiet;
a place to walk without traffic;
and remains of history. 

I am kind of sad to see it all torn up.

But there is a happier side. 
A movement is gaining momentum 
to turn this slice of land into a public park. 

I hope the dream is realized, 
and I hope they leave just a little bit of the industrial behind, 
to preserve this site's context in history.

For more information check out Viaduct Greene.
The orange line on the map below outlines
what is left of the rail line.
More photos can be seen here.


Wayne said...

You already know I feel about these shots, I love 'em!

Jim said...

Wow, Rebecca, these are really great pictures.
The Reading (here) has gone to seed. I am glad I sold off my Reading stock, Monopoly stock, that is.

Jim said...

Thank you for the heads up on the wrong link. I have it fixed by making a new Mr. Linky entry and deleting the old.

This one works good, I tried it out. I generally do that but today I posted and ran!

Leovi said...

Very interesting photos. Poetically evoke the passage of time.

Unknown said...

Oh, that second photo is the one for me! Stunning capture, Rebecca!

Dianne said...

I really love that last shot!!
perhaps they'll take a look at what NYC did when they created the High Line park
and it's still growing

JunieRose2005 said...

These are all interesting pictures! I enjoyed seeing these.

I have some BLUES this time!!

NatureFootstep said...

looks like some of your shots dissappeared as well. To bad. :(

Bagman and Butler said...

The abandonned railroad tracks, in particular, have a deep sense of sorrow to them. Nice work.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your photography is "spectacular" and the subject is perfect. I to hope they save some of this bit of history.

GingerV said...

excellent shoot out. It is too bad this had to be scrapped when the USA need more railroads, not less. But the park itea is great, I have seen a couple wharf that have been recovered and made into parks and restaurant areas. good idea.

Jama said...

We used to have a railway track run by the neigbhouring country since donkey years ago but recently with both governments agreement, they land were returned and the tracks removed. Only one short stretch remained, with the old railway station facade retained- it will be going under transformation when the whole area is rebuilt.

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful blue sky and your photos are great.


Pauline said...

The sadness evoked by these images seems deeper because of the contrast to the fresh blue sky. I always get a bit cross when I see historical places left neglected while the powers that be decide what to do with them. I do hope those who want to preserve it succeed - quickly.