Thursday, April 11, 2013

An Owl Hunt

I know where it is nesting. 
So I paid a visit one sunny morning. 
But, Mrs. Owl was not to be seen. 

So instead I meandered down to the lake.  

I watched this blue heron for lack other subjects. 

And to my surprise, 
I caught a little action there instead.  

Though I will have to revisit soon to see if  I can catch Mrs. Owl at home.

Peace Valley Park
Bucks County, PA


Jeanne said...

Love this blue heron! What beautiful shots these are even if you did miss the owl. Will be watching for more of these!

mail4rosey said...

WONDERFUL photos, I love these!!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I too love the Blue herons. We have them down here in Florida...and so fun to sneak up on them and capture them in their environment.

Tamar SB said...

Oh what gorgeous pictures! I just love herons, such stunning birds!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

A day out in nature is never a day lost, even if you didn't get what your original intention was! Great shots!

Naturegirl said...

Rebecca I love your photography!I enjoyed your book review a few posts ago.
Last winter while in Arizona, I would wake to the owl hooting outside the window.Each time I'd go outside and attempt to capture just one good image. NOT!!
It was fun though and with your gift of photography I'm sure you'll get that one special photo!
Nice meeting you!

Kim Cunningham said...

We would love to see a owl in the wild! I hope you get to do that. These are awesome though! I love nature photos!

Nancy said...

Sometimes what we find is more interesting than what we were looking for....I love the shots of the blue heron and his fishing expedition...You never know when the owl is going to surprise you...maybe today...

Thank you so much for your encouraging comments....

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Even though you didn't find the owl, you got some great bird shots. I love seeing pictures of herons because I've never seen one. Fun that you captured him catching the fish.
Thanks for visiting and your nice comment.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Even though you didn't find the owl, you got some great bird shots. I love seeing pictures of herons because I've never seen one. Fun that you captured him catching the fish.
Thanks for visiting and your nice comment.

~JarieLyn~ said...

Well, you certainly did stumble upon some good action and the shots are stunning. Looking forward to you capturing the owl on your camera in the future.

Wayne said...

Nice! I understand there is a family of osprey at the park as well.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great captures...just goes to show you, you may not always get what you want but you get what you need.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know you had the great blue herons up there. i love watching them swallow their fish