Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nabbed by Officer Robin

What seems to be the problem, Sir? 


No, I'm sorry, 
I do not know why you pulled me over. 


Yes, my inspection is current. 


Just inspected this month in fact.


I believe you would need a search warrant
to justify entering my car, Sir.


No, I'm not trying to be a wise guy.
 I'm just stating the facts as I understand them.


Thanks for letting me go with just a warning
and, uh, well...that too.


It seems that now I have a marked car.
Lucky me.



Anonymous said...

Haha, this post cracked me up - beautiful bird!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one smart bird... loved the conversation

Dianne said...

this amazes me!
I can't get one of them to stay by the feeder long enough to take a pic
if I remember correctly this bird hangs out at your car a lot
maybe he needs to get somewhere :)

I love this post

Anonymous said...

Yes, they keep 'marking' my patio chairs which makes it tough to sit down and enjoy ourselves sometimes.

Wayne said...

Well, on the bright side, a little bird poo is easier and cheaper to clean up!

Nancy said...

I am like Dianne, I can't keep them still enough to get a decent shot very often and look at all these great shots you've gotten on your car....This is the cutest story....I am still laughing.....Great post....

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing little bird and your photography is wonderful! ~ for WAC ^_^

Cathy H. said...

These shots are just amazing! Love the dialog!

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty funny

Anita Johnson said...

Oh how funny! Last year while I was at church some bird started building it's nest on my car tire...that's dangerous living if you ask me. Love the marked car part!

Shannon said...

Great pictures and very funny!

Zena said...

Awesome photos, love the text

Unknown said...

Ha ha! Hilarious. Great shots and captions.

Crafty Green Poet said...

wow! what a great little story, what a beautiful robin!

patty said...

so funny... great captures, too. i see your camera rides shotgun, too? :)) i do a lot of drive-by shooting myself. ;)

would love for you to join our linky on fridays. it's 1440 at findingserendipity.com.

happy weekend!

Brea said...

What a bold little robin. Great job capturing it!

Unknown said...

that is so funny! wonder why he did that? great shots!

Steve Gravano said...


Katherines Corner said...

giggle, loveed this xo

Scriptor Senex said...

Such super photos and captions. I loved it, thanks.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

amazing your officer didn't fly away.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha this is awesome, very cute. and good pics.

patty said...

i had to pop over and tell you, no! her lashes are not real in that pick! she played clara in the nutcracker and the false eyelashes were part of her stage make-up. :) i can't enter my blog's website (findingserendipity.com) on some blogs, like yours, so you went to my very old google blog... :)


Barb said...

Your commentary plus the photos are just perfect - made my day here in snowy CO!

betty-NZ said...

What a cool experience...but a little weird, too!

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for making me laugh, Rebecca!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Oh my goodness...I am hysterical laughing. So needed it! Thank you. xo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my gosh, how funny!