Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ding, Dong! The Bells are Gonna Chime...

The Bride-to-Be with her big sister.

Oh dear, Oh my... 
another wedding.  
Just two weeks away.  

Our Future Nurse...
Haircut Courtesy of Big Sister

Yes, my pragmatic daughter no. 2 
has decided to forego all the hoopla 
of a big formal wedding 
and exchange vows in a courthouse.  

Swimmer Girl, Maple Manor Swim Club

Yep, that would be my girl.

"Mommy, When can we get a baby?"
"We won't be getting a baby dear." 
With baby brother....yeah. 

The toddler 
whose preschool teacher began 
our conference with 
"Now, Joanna, she is a difficult child."

"Mommy, When can we get a puppy?"
"We won't be getting a puppy dear." 
With puppy Molly....yeah. 
Ditto the minivan with 'sliding doors.'

The girl who had 'nothing to wear' 
when she was 4 yrs old. 
So in a fit of lost-temper 
I threw all her clothes out the door. 
She had to buy them back from me. 
No kidding. 

With Mickey in Disney

The same kiddo who attended her best friend's 
10th birthday party in a kimono,  
just because she could.

The Kimono

The child 
who drove me to seek out a child psychiatrist 
from when she was about 10 to age 14. 
The doctor informed me that she would make 
'a great lawyer one day.' 

Waiting for Big Sister's School Bus

Oh, the stories I could tell. 
The STORIES I could tell.

Inhibitions?  What are they? 
Yes, she ran down the street after me like this.

But she is also the same daughter 
who will clean the entire kitchen 
when I am not at home. 

The Annual Tree Trek 

She will iron all my husband's shirts 
hanging in the laundry room 
without ever being asked.

Me: Joanna, "Are you my sweetie pie?"
Joanna: "No, I pop's sweetie pie."
That's just how she said it too.

She's is hardworking 
and stands on her own two feet. 
Just don't mess with her. 

Before she refused to wear dresses. 
Oh, and daddy and the sneakers... 
That was before he was trained. 

She makes every occasion a party. 
She is the life of the party.

Christmas Wine: Middle Sister 'Rebel Red'

And she's the oh-so Middle Sister.
Without her,
there would be a big hole
in the family.


Her husband-to-be is one lucky guy.

He's the one!

And a most welcome member of our family 
especially since he knows exactly what she needs 
and when she needs it.  


The Three of Them

Another one leaves the nest. 



Kerry said...

Awwwww! I love this tribute to your vivid middle child. Many congratulations to her and her intended! Happy day!

Patrice said...

She sounds like a great girl - best wishes!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Congratulations to your daughter!! She sounds full of life and fun!

Nicki said...

What a sweet tribute and celebration of the beautiful, head-strong, independent young lady and bride-to-be your daughter has become. Congratulations!

Kmcblackburn said...

Blessings Becky. I have one just like this. And guess what...he's a lawyer :)

Kmcblackburn said...

P.S. We were told at his Kindergarten parent/teacher conference that he was a "divergent thinker".....lol. Honestly, I think it is what has made him succcessful in life AND driven me prematurely to dye my hair :)

Pieni Lintu said...

This is such a beautiful post!!! So lovely!! <3

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful post about your beautiful daughter, and I don't just mean looks. she is a girl after my own heart and makes me think of ME growing up. tell her I got married in the courthouse and we are almost to year 29...congratulations

Wayne said...

Congratulations, they are a cute couple!

Katherines Corner said...

aww, this is a beautiful tribute post to your sweet daughter. Congrats to your little sweetie. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

Unknown said...

I love you photos, awesome walk down memory lane.
thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Angel @ sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com

Kathy said...

What a wonderful and sweet post, Becky.