Monday, September 23, 2013

Some Of Those Babies Are Gonna Be Cowboys

I'm no cowgirl,
not even close.

And while I have nothing against them,
I don't really like horses much at all.

I scrunch my nose at those animal smells
and try to find a fresh breeze to breathe.

But when the rodeo came to town,
a backstage pass was hard to resist.

I loved talking to those cowboys
and see them smile and laugh.

It is hard to understand why...
Why they risk life and limb here.

But there is something about
the thrill of the ride
they can't seem to resist.

And yeah, I'm no young cowgirl,
but dang, a gal can dream can't she?

LuLu Shriners Liberty Pro Rodeo
Plymouth Meeting PA

My full rodeo gallery is here.

Special recognition to this cowboy 
who suffered a broken spinal cord. 
Prayers that he might walk again. 

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Anonymous said...

oh handsome coboys whoo Hoo and pretty Cowgirls.

Love your takes. Love your subject quote. Perfect with your pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i pray now the cowboy in the wheel chair will walk and ride again... i love all the handsome cowboys you found and i also love horses, even the smell... my favorite photo is the cowboy with the saddle and his bag.. i would have taken that pass to... great post.

Sarah Huizenga said...

Great captures. Who can resist a cowboy!

Out on the prairie said...

Wanted that buckle bad myself

Kmcblackburn said...

There is just something 'bout a cowboy....they should be called cow-men! :)

Mersad said...

Wonderful portraits Rebecca.

Noel Morata said...

beautiful, love your portraiture and stories, thanks again for linking up today

Rose said...

Great shots, and I LOVE the smell of horses!

Unknown said...

Great and entertaining pic, Rebecca! You have the nose of a journalist:) It's cows that my nose doesn't like, lol.

Unknown said...

Very cool : )
I love that you get around taking pictures every where. Fabulous.

Helen said...

This is fascinating- nothing like I could ever see over here. I'm not a fan of horses but I do like to take portraits of them. Thanks so much for linking up with Weekend Walks over on my blog - glad you found me!