Monday, January 27, 2014

Stay This Moment

Freshly Fallen Snow, Somewhere in Upper Bucks County, PA

Photographer Sam Abell coined the phrase
"Stay this moment." to describe the photographic motive.
Sam was first hired as a journalistic photographer
with the concern that his style was too simplistic.
Yet, it is the layers captured in simplicity that make his work exciting.

What motivates you to take a photograph? 
More than likely, 
there is something about the moment you want to save.  

A moment of:

post signature
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MadSnapper n Beau said...

trees and flowers motivate me the most. i love trees, all of them. and I love old buildings.

Kim said...

So beautiful!

James said...

What a beautiful photo! Maybe this will inspire me to pick up my camera and go outside.

Nancy said...

I love this shot.....and I love looking at all the different styles of photographers....I am usually drawn to something beautiful and things that elicits's not so much a specific subject but how I feel when I see something....

Wayne said...

I love your caption "somewhere in Upper Bucks County", my favorite place to get lost, which I do as frequently as I can. Wonderful scene.

The Artful Diva said...

the film in your signature matches the landscape so well!

My Little Home and Garden said...

I like the textures in this photo, the rustic buildings, bare trees and tall grasses piercing through the snow. Everything is set off beautifully by the sweeping clouds in the big sky, with all its gradations of colour.

To answer your question, I suppose its the play of light and shadow that appeals to me and calls for a photograph. Thank you for bringing your beautiful shot to "Sunlit Sunday"; I'd appreciate it if you would put a simple but specific link within your post, back to mine. Thank you.

I hope you have a pleasant week.


Cindy said...

Your picture you posted is warming. Motivates me to take pictures.... it would have to be the sunshine, yup that is it for sure.

~JarieLyn~ said...

I think I am usually drawn to things that evoke emotion first which usually include historical buildings. I am fascinated by the stories of the past. I think your style of photography is beautiful and I think you lean towards the stuff that I like.

Lorrie said...

A lovely shot. I like the framing of a particular scene. It pulls that scene, at that moment, out of the landscape and makes it stand unique.

Lisa Gordon said...

This is such a wonderfully serene image, Rebecca.

Tamar SB said...

Gorgeous! Such a pretty part of America!

Pamela Gordon said...

What a beautiful scene. Yes, I always try to capture the moment of beauty when I take a photo and I enjoy the changing seasons we have here. There is always something new to see and photograph every day. Pamela

Alicia said...

Landscapes inspire me! I love photos of mountains and valleys. Love the desert and sunsets. I've never been good at taking photos of the ocean and the blue of the sky and the blue of the ocean mesh and I don't see a distinction between them. I love your photo though, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful scene!

Sarah Huizenga said...

I think it is the moments of take your breath away beauty and joy that motivates me to take the photo.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

i love this post. Very simple and beautiful. I enjoyed reading these thoughts. This is so true of photography.

Dorothy said...

I grew up in southern Chester County and I still find south-eastern PA to be one of the most beautiful places! What a lovely image.

cedarmerefarm said...

What a beautiful photo! To answer your question, I don't know why and when I take photographs. I just capture what appeals to me at the moment; so I guess it depends on my mood at the time I see something that catches my attention.

AppleApricot Wen said...

Beauty and memories is my motivation most of the times I think when it comes to photography. Beautiful photo this is, especially the light. Thank you for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!