Sunday, February 2, 2014

5 Awesome Wintry Photos You Haven't Seen Yet

I love getting inspiration from 
other's photo awesomeness. 
And since I'm cold, despite the weather reaching into the 40s, 
I don't want to go outside and take photos myself. 
Here is some awesomeness I found online to share with you. 

Castle Of Segovia Spain By Javier Javisego  
(Gotta love his name too.) 

Moraine Lake At Winter, Canada By Luke Austin

Soca River, Slovenia By Luka Esenko

Star Trails Above Rocky Mountains By Richard Gottardo

Tyrol Mountains On Winter, Austria By Michi B

Wintertime In Yosemite By Jeff Lewis

Pretty nice stuff, huh? 
So maybe, I am feel a little something 
stirring that internal inspiration to go shoot. 

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

the castle is my favorite, i bet the prince is there with the glass slipper about to go on the hunt for Cinderella. awesome shots all of these

Mersad said...

Wonderful finds Rebecca!

Sarah Huizenga said...

Thanks for sharing these inspirations. Such breath taking photos. I wish it looked that pretty somewhere close to here.

Nancy said...

You really found some awesome shots....

Alicia said...

Beautiful photos. I love them all but that one of the Star Trails in the Rocky Mountains? I see that little tent pitched on the ice and I just want to go crawl into my bed with my electric blanket! Yike! I guess some people really love the cold, but I'm not one of them. That castle is amazing. Makes you wonder of all the work that went into building it. It couldn't have been easy.