Friday, February 28, 2014

Two for Coffee

Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA

The Party's Here!  (Blog Link Ups)

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'Tsuki said...

Great atmosphere, on that very shot ; well done.

Molly said...

Ohhh but the best coffee it to be found at the Wawa


Anonymous said...

Even though he's sitting in the sun, it still looks cold:) Hope you're surviving the winter, Rebecca:)

Viera said...

Great shot...but coffee is only for one...:-) I wish that my dog could follow me by coffee time... My dog did not want stay there and is very nervous very quickly,,,.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with snow on the ground there is no better place to hang out

James said...

Nice shot! I was walking around Germantown Ave last weekend but I don't remember seeing this Starbucks.

Kmcblackburn said...

I want to see him do this TOMORROW during the snowstorm :)

Louisette said...

Lovely scenic street, with snow, love the man and dog in, greeting from Belgium

Sarah Huizenga said...

That looks like a really cute Starbucks. I will have to do a Starbucks sometime in my adventures.

Laura said...

Nothing like sitting outside at a cafe table sipping coffee next to a street piled high with snow. Great photo.

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Lovely I can smell the coffee...

carol l mckenna said...

Great BW composition ~ photo has many stories ~ thanks, xxx

artmusedog and carol

Light and Voices said...

Capturing real life is the BEST.
JM Illinois

abrianna said...

Good composition int his shot.

Anonymous said...

This my favorite of the B&W Wednesday -- I like everything about this photo and seeing the man sitting on the chair add even more interest -- love it!

Anonymous said...

Nice transformation to black and white. Love that you included the man but dislike the store. I'm on a boycott of Starbucks and have found so many other great local coffee shops. But this is not about coffee shops, is it.? Sorry, I get carried away.

Adrienne said...

Great shot - tells its own story. Makes me want to linger. Sunlight and snow banks!! Thanks so much for linking up - very special photo!