Friday, March 21, 2014

A Spring Lament

It's been a long winter. 
Very long.

The calendar says spring 
but the weather has been a little slow in catching up.

Flowers are just starting to peep from the ground.

And the little boy who used to wear these shoes...

....Well, now he's a young man.

Where ever did the time go?

The Party's Here!  (Blog Link Ups)

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Mersad said...

Wonderful! You found all the items, and photographed them beautifully.

GingerV said...

my oldest baby turned 45 on the 19th. yes where does time go? lovely shots all.

lissa said...

beautiful photos. hopefully the weather will come up with the season.

have a great day.

Pauline said...

Oh, Rebecca, these images are so lovely! I love the third shot...and the last one nearly made me weep. Where does the time go, indeed! Last week my 47 year old son asked me if I still had his Superman cape (which I made for him when he was seven). For a second I forgot we were in the here and now and not back there then.

Unknown said...

Great Pictures, but the shoes gave me the shivers <3

Jama said...

Very beautiful photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

time is on fast forward and each time i have a birthday it goes faster.... love the shoe art

Sarah Huizenga said...

We are still waiting for the buds, could be a couple more weeks yet.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos from you as always.

Nancy said...

Not much green here at all, but my tulips are making an appearance. Lovely photos Rebecca. xo

Out on the prairie said...

Just starting to peek here.

Barb said...

Beautiful photos and I especially love the lighting on the little toddler shoes.

kissed by an angel said...

Great photos, Rebecca!!!
The fourth picture reminds me of the movie 'Big Fish'...
Yes, time flies so, so fast...We can only catch the moments in our hearts, minds, souls and on pictures like you :)