Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Just Call Me The Wizard

Snowy Owl, Lancaster, PA 

I seem to have a knack for spotting Snowy Owls.
(You know, like Hedwig that belonged to Harry Potter.)

Snowy Owl, Lancaster, PA

Now if I could just hone in on all those wizardry skills
stir up a 500mm lens so I don't have to crop the be-jeepers
out of wildlife photos.
Wouldn't that be nice?

Snowy Owl, Lancaster, PA

But then I would need someone to caddy all the gear
because I really do not like lugging it around.

(This owl has a gps transmitter located on its back.
It is tracked for study by Project Snowstorm.) 

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K V V S MURTHY said...

Beautiful captures ....Have a nice day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you must have a snowy owl radar in your brain. yours are the only ones i have ever seen. of course FL might not have SNOWY owls.. my friend has that 500 lens and i once took her camera to snap a few shots. i said HOW do you carry that thing? but it does take fantastic bird photos..

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous snowy owl photos ~ Love them ~ for OWT ~ thanks,

artmusedog and carol

Laura said...

Wow Rebecca… I live up in New England and have never seen one. What a beauty!

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty owl, what a thrill to see.

Kerry said...

So jealous that you have had these opportunities to see and photograph such beautiful creatures. It's been a special year for that in the East hasn't it?

EG CameraGirl said...

What a thoughtful snowy to fly with a red barn for a background!

Barb said...

Lucky you - I've never seen one in person! I lived in Lancaster County (Akron) growing up and raising our children. It's a beautiful area. I've lived in CO since 1989.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

According to Audubon, the Snowy Owls had a bumper crop of babies this year and they are, as a result, spreading further south and east. I know there have been sightings here in Illinois along the lake, but I haven't been over to try to see them yet. Love your pictures and glad to see they have found ways to add the transmitters so they don't interfere with their functioning. Very enjoyable post ... lucky you:)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Anni said...

How exciting!! None like that here in my neck of the woods...so I'm a bit jealous.
Beautiful images...beautiful bird.

Sarah Huizenga said...

Such an amazing find. WIth that 500mm lens then you would need a super sturdy tripod and then there is more lugging. Cropping seems so much easier :)

Lisa Gordon said...

He sure is beautiful, Rebecca, and how fortunate you were to be able to capture these.

Happy day to you!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures! We're actually driving down to Lancaster next week for the quilt show.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what lovely shots. A fabulous sight!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I've never seen one and probably never will. Thanks for sharing these lovely shots.

Anonymous said...

Wow - do you know how I long to capture such a sight - WOW weeeeeeeeee stunning photos and shots...

kissed by an angel said...

Dear Rebecca,
Your photos of this wonderful and mystical Snowy Owl are so, so beautiful!!! It must be great to see such a enchanted being in free nature!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
I hope you enjoy a good time, filled with Spring light and growing Green :)