Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Two Cool Abandoned Buildings Left to Die in Bucks County, PA

Just look at this old farmhouse and imagine 
what it used to be!  

Abandoned and haunted looking farmhouse
Left to Die
Durham, Bucks Co., PA 

A large wrap around porch,
a cool dormer window,
and lots of other windows.
Seriously, imagine!
I can just see Ann of Green Gables here.

Ok, I forgot to mention the toilet on the porch.
But hey,  it's better than an outhouse!

Toilet at the Abandoned Farmhouse
Reading Material
Durham, Bucks Co., PA 

The above image is dedicated 
to my new blog friend Sarah (she'll know why.)
at Paisley Rain Boots.  
Check out her beautiful blog. 

Rusty Oil Tank at the Abandoned Farmhouse
An Open Invitation
Durham, Bucks Co., PA

Do you see that open window....
oh yes I did!
Enough said.

Nearby is also an abandoned warehouse.
I wonder the history of it
and if it ever had anything to do with the farmhouse.

Abandoned Warehouse
For Sale
Durham, Bucks Co., PA 

We trekked through the snow to get to these two lonely places.
Our feet froze
but it was worth it.  

Abandoned Warehouse
Warehouse Windows in a Row 
Durham, Bucks Co., PA

And let me just say,
I love having a photo friend like Linda
who loves the same things I do. 
We laugh about how our husbands
would NEVER tolerate us on these excursions.

Abandoned Warehouse
Horizontals and Verticals
Durham, Bucks Co., PA

It's often hard for us to stay on the road
since we are so busy looking for good shots.
Linda's car was great,
I was sure we were stuck in a snowy ditch
on the side of the road at least once!
Imagine calling home for that one.
Let's just say,
I am glad her car is so good in the snow.

Oh, and Linda came up with the term
Left to Die.
I just borrowed it.
(Linda's awesome images are on flickr.)

I love, love, love abandoned adventures.
Have you had any fun adventures recently?

Click on any image to be taken the the photo gallery it is in.


~JarieLyn~ said...

I haven't had any fun adventures lately but I've enjoyed your excursion. I love these photos. So, what did you find inside the old farmhouse?

Sarah Huizenga said...

I was laughing as soon as I saw the picture and then I read and laughed even harder! Love it!!!

Mersad said...

I will venturing out on a trip next weekend so I'm looking forward to that! Great images as usual Rebecca.

Out on the prairie said...

I see these old homes and wonder why they were left. At one time families played and celebrated having a lovely home to live in.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have already admired these on your photo site but loved seeing them up close and with words... i am wishing and looking for someone who would like to go with me.. there is much to see but i don't like going by myself and hubby is not patient with me...heading over to see Lindas photos. hubby is from bucks county, perkasie

Wayne said...

I often venture by myself, which is bad for many reasons, so I tend to shy away from places where my car might get stuck :-(
This place looks very cool. I have not had any adventures lately :-(

Suburban Girl said...

I know. It must have been beautiful in its day.

Suburban Girl said...

I love having a friend to go along. My husband never would. Too bad we live so far apart.

Suburban Girl said...

Looking forward to your pictures Mersad.

Suburban Girl said...

I took that photo before our discussion so I couldn't resist using it.

Suburban Girl said...

Nothing to exciting in there. Old appliances, doors, tables...nothing of value for sure.

Debbie said...

i love a good road trip, my eye is drawn to similar structures!!

Friko said...

Excellent photos.
It’s sad that such splendid buildings are left to deteriorate.

Thanks for visiting my blog, do you bake Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte? And Schwarzbrot?

Pieni Lintu said...

Old buildings are beautiful!

LiseM@foto said...

Beautiful photos!
Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful shots. I would love to see that first house when it was new and loved. I am eagerly waiting better temperatures before I even take my camera outside.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

How fun to explore! Love your photos too!

barbara said...

Your pictures are simply beautiful!! With two little daughters, every time I move is a little adventure... But not always that funny!!
Thanks for your comment to my blog!
I'm following you!

...melody... said...

Glad you were able to explore such cool building! Love the shots.

Helen said...

Fabulous buildings - I'd love to visit them all... not sure about getting stuck in snow though! I love Anne of Green Gables too! Thanks so much for linking to my Weekend Walks blog!

CountryMouse said...

I would love that house but really a toilet on the veranda, might have to do something about that. I like to stop and take photos so if I travel with Mr Sparky or anyone else a lot less photos are taken. It is better to do that alone, there is less complaining from the other half. Lovely pictures.

Unknown said...

Hey, I was wondering if you could provide the addresses for the two houses in Bucks county? I'm trying to film a movie there with a friend. Thank you!

Danielle Morocco said...

Does anyone have actual adressses for these places?