When we retire and downsize,
I told my husband I really want a place with great views.
It's Narnia Out There
Ambler, PA
Ambler, PA
Someplace where we can view a sunset
without a neighbor's house in the way.
Through the Backdoor
Ambler, PA
Ambler, PA
Or a tree lined lake would do.
Shooting High
Ambler PA
Ambler PA
I think unobstructed is the keyword here.

Blue Glass on the Window's Ledge
Ambler, PA
I've been cleaning out the closets, attic and basement
so when the time comes
we will be ready for a great view.
I can't wait!
Repetition is another snowstorm
and sunlight is just a little hard to find.
Blue Glass on the Window's Ledge
Ambler, PA
I've been cleaning out the closets, attic and basement
so when the time comes
we will be ready for a great view.
I can't wait!
Repetition is another snowstorm
and sunlight is just a little hard to find.
Come along....The Party's Here!
And be sure to Get Social. I love bumping into my friends in cyberspace too!
love the blue bottles. i have one like the smaller blue one and i have two brown ones like the larger... and the view you have is beautiful... in photos anyway....brrrrrrr
Those bottles are so pretty! Love the snowy view and thanks for linking up!
I was raised in the Chicago area, so I can sympathized with the weather. I do hope it warms up soon for you. I like your shot through the window.
I love your photos and the views outside your windows. The blue bottles on the window sill are a perfect day brightener. Pamela
you have a pretty view but i understand completely what you are talking about. we live on a river, i see amazing sun rises in winter....when i can drag myself out of bed early enough to see them. you captured a male cardinal in image #2, i'm sure you noticed him. if you put out a feeder you will have lots of visitors, it may enhance your view!!
Your views are very pretty. Love the Narnian lamp post. The blue bottles on the windowsill make for a really lovely shot.
You have a pretty views outside windows. I really like third photo
I love old bottles in windows, the light inside changes. In my home, inwhich i will live again in June, the light doesn't shine into the bathroom so I had a friend paint me a window ledge with bottles to hang on the wall. Do you have a view picked out?
it looks so pretty. I will be seeing much the same out of my windows as we are expecting as much as a foot of snow tonight. I love the way the low winter light looks shining through the blue glass in your windows.
Well I absolutely LOVE those views you have ... And the beautiful bird on the branch..Wow! Thanks so much for sharing these with us at Our Beautiful World!
You've shown some more lovely photos this week at Sunlit Sunday. I especially like the one with the light coming through the blue bottle. I trust you will be visiting some of the other interesting links. There are many to enjoy.
I can go on my porch and scream and nobody would hear most of the time.
Getting to move soon? I just want a big kitchen and dining room and a creative space with lots of windows and lights and high ceilings. Oh and no neighbors within sight would be a huge bonus.
The blue glass really stands out against the monochrome in the bottom photo. Nice shots even without lots of sunlight.
Why is it that snow and rain make such beautiful photographic subjects? I love the blue glass and I like your vision of retirement living.
beautiful shots~!!
i was tempted by the 'repetition' of the blue glass but love the repetition that you captured within the "Through the Back Door" image too.
well done.
The red bird I the snowy, green tree is a pretty nice view to have!
Wow! It does look like Narnia!! I live in the tropics so have never seen a view like that. Great photos, thanks for sharing.
Your photos are beautiful. I particularly like the first one. It IS Narnia with the lamp post!
Breathtaking photography... And yes I was just going to say the very same thing as Christa before me did: it really IS Narnia with that lamp post and snow and trees and secretive view from behind the curtain! Thank you for joining us at OBW :-)
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